eFRAME | Why You Should Frame Your Prints

Make More Profit and Generate More Revenue

Margins are of course largely dependent on your chosen selling price, but there is healthy margin to be enjoyed for all sellers when a frame is involved. People perceive framed prints as luxury items and are willing pay a premium. This of course means more cash profit for you.

Experience tells us that art retailers sell on average 30% of their prints with frames. We've found this could provide you with an average 45% uplift in revenue due to both a higher selling price and the acquisition of new customers who originally set out requiring a total print and frame solution.

Print Shop Voucher Scheme

Our print shop voucher scheme allows you to earn a commission on orders your customers make with eFRAME. This scheme is available to all print shops, whether you sell our frames or not.

We can provide you with vouchers for you to pack with your prints entitling your customers to a discount when they use our online framing service.

Each and every time that one of your customers places an order on the eFRAME website using this voucher you'll earn a substantial commission. And that commission is earned every time your customer uses our service.

One Stop Shopping

Customers are becoming ever more demanding and convenience is of utmost importance. When a customer has to shop around to find a frame for their new print they may be less inclined to make the purchase from your site and choose to shop elsewhere (even if your print is a standard size).

Comprehensive and Professional Service

By offering a quality, full print and frame solution your customers will recommend your services to friends and family. You'll appear more professional and transform satisfied customers into delighted customers.

You'll Appear In More Searches

By offering a first class, full print, mount and frame solution your customers will recommend your services to friends and family. You’re professional and comprehensive service will transform satisfied customers into delighted customers.

Develop Your Brand

Not all prints are created equal, so it's lucky there's a frame style to suit every conceivable style of artwork. From ornate gold frames carrying a more traditional message to simple flat black frames which suggest a more contemporary design. You can genuinely set your prints apart by framing them beautifully in a way which you feel reflects the style of print you offer. By innovating in this way you can cement your place in the market.

Be Remembered

In addition to developing your brand we can also place your stickers on the back of the frame or mount to advertise your company name, logo and so on. This will remind customers to return to your store should they wish to purchase another similar print in the future.

Protect and Preserve

We all know frames look good, but that's not the only reason that people buy them. They protect your prints through transit and continue to protect them through their entire lifetime. No grubby finger prints, no creases, no rips to the media. This has to be a good thing for the customer, right?

Framed Prints Are Finished Prints

No house proud home owner wants to blu tack their newly unpacked print to the wall. They'd sooner see it beautifully framed and ready to enjoy for years to come on their wall or shelf.

Your Competitors Are Doing It

Don't be left behind in a fast moving market. If your competitors are framing, perhaps you should be too. Not doing so leaves you at risk of being left behind as others fill out their product offering and explore new opportunities in the industry

Business will boom with the help of a full print and frame solution

Customers rate convenience. One stop shopping is a big plus

The number of people discovering your products will increase dramatically

Develop your brand and be remembered with our white label and branded packages

It's important to keep one step ahead of your competitors

There's a reason we have over 400,000 customers...
Our service and products are rated 9.7 out of 10